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10 Tips to Improve your Academic Performance

10 Tips Improve your Academic Performance

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Are you having issues with your grade at school? Or it is difficult for your child to pass exams at high school?  If yes, then this article aims at guiding you towards academic excellence and improving your grade for better results.  

Failure should not be the reason for you to be afraid of putting more effort.  The pride of academic success lies in the hands of those who wish to make it a subject of priority. Fortunately the secret is just beneath your nose only for you to work it out and see the positive impact. 

Most undergraduate begin give-up at higher institution for their inability pass their exams. But, it is profitable to preserve and work on yourself using this tips we are about to reveal to you in this article.

In addressing academic issues, the process must be taken gradual for the student to be motivated and have the confidence to put in more effort. 

However, most parents blame their children for failing rather than seeking to know the root cause of the failure.  The child needs every support and encouragement he or she can get to perform better in class.

Thinking on how to improve your academic performance first depends on your environment or surrounding and most importantly the people around you.   

But before we dive into the main topic of discussion lets first understand treat the concept academic performance.

What do you understand by Academic Excellence?

Academic excellence on a general note refers the overall demonstrative activity of a student to excel in his academic records. The results serve as a test of knowledge through series of examinations.

In real-life situations, the academic performance of a student does not matter but want he/she has to offer or add value to the society.  

Pay Attention in class

This is one of the most important factors to boost your performance because most teachers/lecturers often make emphasis on topics that examinations or test are based on.  

Paying close attentions to those topics gives you a credit to passing them already with good grades. Endeavor to focus despite little distractions or funny behaviors in class to be able to listen carefully.  

This is the first and most delicate stage to help you achieve your goal, the reason is clear because understanding the basic concepts of a topic gives you an idea of what it is all about, without struggling at home to make research.  

Ask Questions

Relevant questions in class help to clear doubts and enable better understanding of a topic.  But most students are often shy of asking questions, which turn to affect them academically.

Bear in mind that you will not be crucified for asking questions, so why can’t you give a try. Teachers/tutors always welcome questions from students who seek clarification and answers to a particular subject matter.  

However, you can only be attentive in class to be able to pick out some relevant points and ask question for more explanation.


The inability of a student to take note is a clear indication that he/she wants to fail. Note-taking is a skill every student must learn but others turn to neglect.

The essence of note-taking is to help you revise and understand what you have written better with your own hand-writing. The student is expected to make the notes well organized for easy readability and summary.

Surprisingly, students borrow notes to read for exams or test without even understanding what is written. It is believed students who take notes remember faster with just a glance at their learning materials.  


This is one of the most important ways on how to improve your academic performance. Reading is a major key factor which enables the students become familiar with concepts and as well the entire learning material.

The magic of passing an exam starts with not just reading but also to understand what you have been taught. Students cultivate bad reading habits which become a source of distraction such as eating and reading at the same time.

Revising your notes go a long way to build confidence in the child when it comes to an exam or test situation. This is because he or she is sure of what to reciprocate after series of research and reading procedures.

Time Management

Convert your time of watching movies late at night into productive learning periods and secure a future for yourself. 

Making a suitable timetable for studies allow you balance-up with other extra-curricular activities without problems. Some students set other activities as priority without giving much time to their academics.

However, this single act lead to rush of homework, assignments, and other class works which  affects your grades due to inability to concentrate as a result of limited time factor. Meeting up with time is a difficult task but with determination to achieve academic excellence, demands that you put more effort.

During your study time, identify your weakness and work on them strikingly so that you are not over stressed due lack of time.

Stop procrastinating  

Doing of assignments before classes begin, writing of essays a day to submission, struggling to study for exams for next day. If you are that kind of student, you better stop. Completely a task that demands serious amount concentration and seriousness within a short period put you on the edge.  

No confidence to be sure of what you are doing and at the end the result is bad. Nevertheless, stand a chance to make a difference among others and perform better. There is no magic of becoming a grade “A” student but only for you to focus on these simple tips and see positive results.   

Positive attitude towards learning

Having a positive attitude towards learning employ you to be in your best mode (happy) to concentrate and participate actively in class. Most at times students transfer aggression from home to school which is not a good habit and can as well affect your studies.

In trying to improve your academic performance students are expected to deal/settle all their problems outside the four corners of a classroom to avoid distractions and enhance 100% attentiveness to understand clearly the topic of discussion.  

Failing an exams is enough to develop a negative feeling towards studies but motivate yourself by saying “I can do it”,”am not a failure”, “I can perform” even better than others.


There is no harm in asking someone to teach you or meeting your mates that understand better to explain more concerning a topic.  In some cases, hiring a private tutor go a long way to help the student improve academically.

This is because most students are afraid to ask their relatives or peer group questions but he or she may be comfortable with a private tutor and will learn very well. 

Take short breaks

Studying at times becomes very difficult to comprehend after over stressing yourself all day. As a result, it is advisable for take break at certain intervals to allow your brain relax before you continue.

Every 45 minutes take at least 3-5 minutes to do something different other than reading. By either taking a walk, watching inspirational clips or videos or just relax for a while.    

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Other Extra-curricular activities

Reading 24 hours a day to comprehend is quite impossible, that is why students engage themselves in other Activities such as sports, games, and other frequent exercises to help their brain relax.

Most of these games certainly become career opportunities for them to make a living and improve their standard of livelihood.

Some surprising tips that affects student’s performance

Peer group influence

The kind of friends around you has a way of affecting your grades in school especially if there are not academic minded. Peer group influences your academic performance negatively by limiting your time to studies. Some friends may even invite you for parties when you have exams knocking at the door.  

Bad reading habits

There are some bad reading habits student cultivate unknowingly without minded the outcome.  Such as eating while reading, listening to music while studying and other silly behaviors towards academic activities.  

These little habits distract you from concentrating on your studies and also waste your productive time to achieve other things.  

Fear of participating in class

It is normal for students to be shy but it takes courage to overcome. Even asking questions in class is difficult for them, but they are bold enough whenever around their classmates or peer.

For some students, the presence of the teacher alone is enough to scare them, which becomes a major factor of distraction. Take a minute to ask yourself the reason for being scared or afraid of participating in class and be motivated by the performance of other children.   

Conclusively, in trying to improve your academic performance, determinations has to play a very important role to achieve good grades.

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