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Today we will be updating you with Professional MBBS Resit Examination from the department of Biochemistry, College of Health Sciences, Makurdi.

Department of Biochemistry, CHS, BSU Makurdi

Questions on TCA cycle, Molecular Biology, Amino acids, Metabolism of proteins and Nutrition for first professional MBBS resit examination

  1. The rate-limiting reaction of urea cycle
    (a) Is subject to regulation by allosteric mechanism
    (b) Is the most important reaction of the cycle
    (c) Can be regulated by feedback mechanism
    (d) Is catalysed by an isozyme
    (e) (d) above is incorrect
  2. Citric acid cycle
    (a) May be the central metabolic hub of any cell
    (b) May also be referred to as Krebs cycle
    (c) Is an energy-generating pathway
    (d) All of the above are correct
    (e) None of the above is correct
  3. Citric acid cycle is said to be amphibolic because
    (a) It is linked to both transamination and deamination reactions
    (b) It leads to generation of adequate ATP for the cell
    (c) It is a major metabolic pathway for oxidation of fuel molecules
    (d) It uses both amphic and bolic acids
    (e) It involves both catabolic and anabolic reactions
  4. Citric acid cycle is regulated by
    (a) Inhibition of α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase by succinyl CoA and NADH
    (b) Inhibition of oxaloacetate by isocitrate dehydrogenase
    (c) Allosteric inhibition of pyruvate by succinyl CoA
    (d) Inhibition of succinyl dehydrogenase by oxaloacetate
    (e) Allosteric inhibition of citrate by ATP and LCFA
  5. How many protein complexes participate in the electron transport chain?
    (a) 5
    (b) 4
    (c) 3
    (d) 2
    (e) 1
  6. Anti-nutritional factors can
    (a) Increase protein absorption
    (b) Reduce protein digestibility
    (c) Inhibit absorption of zinc
    (d) Reduce digestive ability of the gut
    (e) Damage gut wall leading to impaired cellular proliferative ability
  7. Which of the following is true or false for amino acid
    (a) Amino acid side chain is generally represented by an R
    (b) The simplest amino acid has a hydrogen atom on its side chain
    (c) The central carbon atom is also called alpha-carbon
    (d) They exist as zwitterion at physiological pH
    (e) None of the above

8 Nutrition
(a) Is not an essential component of medical training
(b) Is the science of food and its relationship to health and disease
(c) Studies importance of macromolecules only
(d) Can contribute to prognosis of diseases
(e) Only (a) and (b) are correct

9 Classification of foods is based on
(a) origin
(b) predominant function
(c) chemical composition
(d) (a) and (b) but not (c) are correct
(e) Personal preference

10 Direct methods of nutritional assessment include
(a) Dietary evaluation
(b) Clinical evaluation
(c) Professional evaluation
(d) Anthropometric evaluation
(e) All of the above

11 Molecular biology is a field of science which
(a) Studies gene structure and function
(b) Overlaps with biochemistry and bioinformatics
(c) Studies in detail 3 important molecules of life
(d) Only (a) above is correct
(e) None of the above is correct

12 The study of the 3 most important molecules of life are
(a) Genomics, Transcriptomics and Metabolomics
(b) Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics
(c) Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics
(d) Genomics, Metabolomics and Transcriptomics
(e) Metabolomics, Transcriptomics and Genomics

13 In central dogma, the product of translation process
(a) Is a polypeptide
(b) Is a protein
(c) Is not a functional molecule in itself
(d) Is the storage molecule of the cell
(e) None of the above is correct
14 On the basis of metabolic fate, amino acids can be classified as
(a) Strictly ketogenic
(b) Strictly glucogenic
(c) Ketogenic or glucogenic
(d) All of the above
(e) None of the above

15 Human proteins
(a) Incorporate only L-forms of amino acids
(b) Consist of only 20 amino acids
(c) Also incorporate D-forms of amino acids
(d) Only a and b above are correct
(e) None of the above is correct

16 At isoelectric point, amino acids
(a) Behave as ampholytes
(b) Exist as cations under acidic medium
(c) Exist as anions under alkaline medium
(d) Have no electrophoretic mobility
(e) All of the above are correct

17 Henderson Hasselbalch equation
(a) Can be used to find the pH of a system
(b) Is important in finding the ratio of conjugate base to conjugate acid
(c) Is derived from dissociation of amino acid
(d) All of the above are correct
(e) Only a above is correct

18 (a) Nitrogen is an important component of amino acids
(b) All microorganism can fix nitrogen in the roots of legumes
(c) NADH but not NADPH is required in reductive amination reaction
(d) Urea cycle is coupled to an energy-producing pathway
(e) (a), (b), (c), but not (d) are true

19 (a) Plasma levels of aminotransferases are of diagnostic value in medicine
(b) Pyridoxamine phosphate is a coenzyme for aspartate transferase activity
(c) Glutamine is the primary amino acid synthesised from nitrogen fixation
(d) Phenylketonuria is an important inborn error of amino acid metabolism
(e) Lysine but not Leucine is strictly a ketogenic amino acid

20 PKU
(a) Is characterised by accumulation of phenylalanine in blood
(b) Can be managed by dietary restriction
(c) Is caused by mutation in the gene that codes for phenylalanine
(d) May impair synthesis of melanine
(e) May be caused by deficiency of tetrahydrobiopterin
21 Which of the following is true or false
(a) Deoxyribonucleic acid contains 4 nucleotides abbreviated A,T,C & G
(b) Ribonucleic acid contains 4 nucleotides abbreviated A,T,C & G
(c) Both DNA and RNA are double stranded molecules
(d) The nucleotide T in DNA is usually replaced by a uracil U
(e) Only one of the above is true

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22 In which of the following area (s) can the knowledge of molecular biology be useful?
(a) Research
(b) Forensic analysis
(c) Disease diagnosis
(d) Gene therapy
(e) Determination of paternity

23 Carbohydrates
(a) Are the main sources of energy and dietary fibre
(b) Can be classified as simple or complex carbohydrates
(c) Are more diverse in structure and function compared to proteins
(d) (a) above is correct and not (b) or (c)
(e) Are exclusive source of energy for the brain

24 Which of the following can be used to evaluate proteins?
(a) Biological value
(b) Digestibility coefficient
(c) Protein efficiency ration
(d) All of the above are true
(e) None of the above is true

25 How many vitamins are required for maintenance of human health?
(a) 8
(b) 13
(c) 10
(d) 11
(e) 9

26 Regulation of CAC cycle
(a) Only occurs at the level of entry of substrate
(b) Only occurs at key reaction point of the cycle
(c) Can be at any reaction point in the cycle
(d) None of the above is correct
(e) Only (c) above is incorrect

27 The decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA,
(a) Is catalysed by a single enzyme molecule
(b) Is catalysed by a complex enzyme molecule made up of 3 components
(c) Is catalysed by a 4-unit enzyme complex
(d) None of the above is true
(e) All of the above are true

28 The macromolecules proteins cannot perform one of the following
(a) Enzymatic
(b) Transporter of nutrients
(c) Source of energy
(d) Antibody function
(e) All of the above are correct

29 Which combination of hormones are the most important with respect to carbohydrate metabolism?
(a) Insulin and adrenalin
(b) Adrenalin and glucagon
(c) Insulin and epinephrine
(d) Insulin and glucagon
(e) Glucagon and epinephrine

30 How many molecules of ATP can be generated from complete oxidation of 1 g of glucose?
(a) 32
(b) 38
(c) 36
(d) 30
(e) 28


  1. (a) State 3 different ways by which amino acids can be classified
    (b) Draw the structure of any 2 amino acids
  2. Briefly explain the concept of central dogma of modern biology


  1. (a) List the reactions of urea cycle.
    (b) What is the clinical significance of this pathway to humans?

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