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GST 121 Use of Library Past Questions BSU 2019/2020

GST 121 Use of Library Past Questions BSU 2019/2020

GST 121 Use of Library Past Questions BSU 2019/2020

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Course Code/Title: GST 121- Use of Library, Study Skills and Information Communication Technology


Answer all Questions by Choosing from Options A-E Time Allowed: 60 Minutes

  1. Libraries built to meet specific needs of users are known as Libraries (A) Special Libraries (B) Private (C) National (D) Academic (E) Public
  2. Library is responsible for the issuance of ISBN. (A) Special (b) National (C) Academic (D) Public
  3.  Private SDI service is specifically associated with the National Library. (A) True (B) Undecided (C) Somehow False (E) A & B
  4. — is the process of transferring documents, graphics, and other objects from a server to your computer on the internet (A) Uploading (B)Social networking Downloading (D) Blogging (E) Virtual libraries
  5. —-are opened freely for all citizens. (A) Special libraries  (B) National libraries (C) Academic  libraries (d) Public libraries
  6. A collection of rights that are automatically vested on someone who creates an original work of authorship like literary work. songs, movies or software are called (A) Biographical Sources (B) Encyclopedias Copyright (D) Peoples University (E) Reference Materials
  7. Public libraries are also described as the (A) Reference Libraries (B) National Libraries Peoples University (D) Warehouses (E) Music Houses
  8. For spellings, pronunciation and meanings one is to consult (A) Spelling Guides (B) Concordance (C) Dictionaries (D) Reference Materials (E) Encyclopedia
  9. ………are materials that can only be consulted for particular purposes (A) Consulted Sources (B) Encyclopedias (C) Dictionaries (e) reference Materials (E) Atlases
  10. Computer literacy involves having a current knowledge and understanding of (A) Computer programming (B) Computers and their uses (C) Computer repair (D) No Idea (E) Undecided
  11. Publishers, place and date of publication are known as (A) Tracings (B) Series (C) imprint (D) Verso (E) Added Entry
  12. The world’s largest computer network is the (A) Personal Area Network (B) Internet (C) Wide Area Network (D) Metropolitan Area Network (E) Zero
  13. ……shows the different headings the book has been catalogued and filed in a library (A) tracings (B) Main Entry (C) Imprint (D) Cataloguing (E) Title
  14. Hippocrates and Aristotle were early scholars (A) Egypt (B) Rome () Greeks (D) Mesopotamia (E) India
  15. ………is a dictionary of maps bound together. (A) Gazetteers, Atlas (C) Maps (D) Concordance (E) Periodicals Greece
  16. ……is a dictionary of geographic places. (A) Diagrams (8) Gazetteers (C) Atlases (D) Biographies
  17. ……are materials that are issued in successive parts at regular interval. (A) Gazetteers (B) Atlases (B) periodicals (D) Audio Visual  (E) Year Books
  18. …… a list of important words, subjects, and places arranged in alphabetical order?
  19. (A) Gazetteers (B) Atlas (C) Year Book (B) Concordance (E) Periodicals
  20. are sources that are up-to-date in the treatment of the immediate past year (A) Annual Diaries (Year Books (C) Gazetteers (D) Concordance (E) Periodicals
  21. The body charged with the enforcement and protection of copyright in Nigeria is called (A)  Copyright Commission (B) Classification Group (C) Cataloguing Association (D) Classmark makers (E) Collation
  22. ……is a record of materials held by a library? A) Collation (B) Classification (C) Cataloguing (D) Classmark (E) Catalogue
  23. .— is always at the top left corner of the catalogue card A) Classification (B) Collation (C) Cataloguing Classmark (E) Catalogue
  24. The process of describing an item and determining main and added entries is known as, A) Catalogue (B) Classification (C) Cataloguing (D) Classmark (E) Collation
  25. ………involves grouping together of similar items. (A) Catalogue Classification (C) ISBN (0) Classmark (E) A&B
  26. in-text citation plus bibliographic entry constitutes (A) Plagiarism (B) References (c)
  27. Citation (D) MLA (E) APA
  28. List of sources consulted during a study is known as (A) Maps (B) citations (C) References (D) Archives (E) Races
  29. Citation style mostly used in humanities is—- (A) Cambridge Style (B)ALA (C) Chicago (D) APA (E) MLA
  30. The MARC project began in the year (A)1904 (B) 1966 (C) 1932 (0) 1988 (E) None of the Options
  31. The LC Scheme was devised in, (A) 1904 (B) 1966 (C) 1932 (D) 1988 (E) None of the Above
  32. If you violet the rights of a copyright holder, you might be sued for copyright (A) Software ((B) Subscription (C) A & B or Infringement (E) Private
  33. ICT is an acronym for (A) Information Connection Technology (B) Internet Communication Technology (C) Internet Connection Technology(D) Information Communication Technology (E) Individual Connection Technology
  34. Libraries with no respect for time and distance include (A) National (B) Academic (C) Virtual (D) A&B (E) Public
  35. Imprint and copyright information can be obtained from (A) Title (B) The Verso (C) ISSN (D) Fly Page (E) ISBN Page
  36. The most popular and common library catalogue is Card (B) Analogue (C) Computer (D) Hybridge (E) Book
  37. Intellectual content of a work is associated with (A) Series (B)Class mark (C) Symbol (D) Author(s) (E) Content
  38. Entries on magnetic tapes are associated with (A) Card Catalogue (B)Tapes (C)
  39. Computer Catalogue (D) Magnet (E) Book Catalogue
  40. Example of a serial publication include, (A) Sim Card (B) Newspaper (C) Series (D) Textbook (E) Year Book
  41. Repetitive routine tasks can be avoided as a result of (A) Hard work (B) serials (C) Automation (D) Users (E) Classmark
  42. The LC deliberately used all the letters of alphabets as main classes. (A) Agree (B) True (C) A & B (D) OK (E) B&C
  43. The LC reserves letters for further expansion. (A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 26 (D) 22
  44. A main class can be sub-divided to accommodate specific subjects (A) Not Here (B) True (C) A & B (0) False (E) B & D
  45. The Egyptians ——-developed, letters of alphabets. (A) 21 (B)  22 (D) 26 (E) 5
  46. Words at the top left corner of a catalogue card. (A) Imprint (B) ISBN (c) citations (D) ISSB (E) Catalogue
  47. All classification schemes used mixed notations (A) True (B) Not True (C) A & B (D) OK (E) B&C
  48. Publication information can also be known as it print (B) Cook (C) Notations (D) Verso (E) Catalogue
  49. LC is not the only classification scheme in existence. (A) False (B) Partially C) true (D) Undecided (E) C & B
  50. A network consists of computers linked together rue (B) False (C) Not sure (D) Pictures (E) Catalogues
  51. In APA reference list is in (A) Verso (Year (C) Title (0) Cover (E) Authors
  52. In APA reference list, is italicized. (A) Cover (B) Year (C)Title (D) Authors (E) Abstract
  53. Name is not necessary in in-text citation. (A) False (B) Partially (C) True (D) Undecided (E) A & B
  54. In APA reference list, the title of a journal is treated just like the book title A) False (B) Partially (C) True (D) Undecided (E) A & B
  55. Resources by the internet (A) LAN (B) WAN (C) MAN (D) WIFI EX Search tools
  56. Early writing was also in form of (A) Thebes (B) Egypt (C)Painting (D) Greeks (E) Ramses
  57. Internet stand for (A) Network (B) international Network of Computers (C) Painting (D) Local Area Network (E) Wide Area Network
  58. ……. is known to have developed hieroglyphic writing. (A) Ramses Egypt (C) Thebes (D) Greeks (E) Romans
  59. When the terms of protection for a copyrighted work expires, the work enters into the (A) Nile (B) School (C) public Domain (d) Store (E) River
  60. …….Later adopted the 22 alphabets to the 26 we have today. (A) Egypt (B) Niger (C) Romans reeks (E) Rameses.

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