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Top 10 Free Online Courses for Medical Students

Top 10 Free Online Courses for Medical Students

Top 10 Free Online Courses for Medical Students

Are thinking of boosting your curriculum vitae (VC) with some free online medical courses or making research of medical courses to study from the comfort of your home. If yes, then this article is has list of some courses for you.  

As information is power likewise to education, it is one important aspect of life that requires time and proper learning processes and guide to achieve your success. Most people believe education is worthless but true personality of someone who is learned show a clear difference when among illiterates.

These Free online courses for medical students serves as additional knowledge that open-up other hidden tips and guides relating to the medical profession and what is required for them.

With ravaging outbreak of diseases like the deadly corona virus popularly known as COVID 19, the medical field requires more medical personnel’s capable of handling health emergency cases to safe lives to help reduced mortality rate.

Looking at world Morbidity rate, you will discover many people are infected as a result of ignorance of personal hygiene.  Health and medical personnel’s are expected to organize more awareness campaigns to educate people better how to take good care of themselves and report usually symptoms to the nearest hospital.

Benefits of enrolling for these free online courses

They aim at grooming competent medical personnel’s with current trend of diseases depending on climatic change and treatments.


Certificates are also award at the end of the course to boost CVs and stand a chance of securing a job with any health facility in need of your services.


At the completion of these free online courses, it is expected that your pay should be increase due to the value of service rendered.  Medical personnel’s are paid very well, enough to cater for themselves and family and improved their standard of living.  

Some of these free online courses for medical students include the following courses

Medical Terminology Specialization

Medical Terminology Specialization is one of the free online courses for medical students that aim at teaching medical terms. This is important because of it helps them to read and understand medical +records and results to be able to explain to patients.

The course is powered by coursera which you can enroll for free. Learners are expected to be familiar with medical terms and understand anatomy related to the 10 major organ systems.  The course is offer by Rice University with the provision to complete your hands-on project and earn a certification.

During your studies you are expected to go through the courses carefully, starting with Medical Terminology (introduction), Medical Terminology II which deals roots words, abbreviation, prefix specifically concern with the endocrine system and lastly, Medical Terminology III  which centers purely on root terms and words related to other parts of the body.  

AI for Medicine

Artificial Intelligence for Medicine is a course that deals with model interpretation, Image segmentation as well as Natural language extraction.  AI has interfere with medical practices in aiding doctors diagnose infected patients, accurate drug prescriptions and even analysis of patients future health condition.  

It is a three month training that allows you to apply machine learning in solving medical issues to achieve positive results. it one of the free online courses that helps in handling the problem of missing data/medical records and earn a certificate after completion of the hands-on project.

During the learning period you are expected to complete the following courses: Artificial intelligence for Diagnosis which demands that you create network image classifications and segmentation models for lungs diagnosis and Brain Disorder.  

Building of survival estimators and risk Models for heart disease with the aid of statistical methods and other random forest predictors to help determine the patients prognosis.  The course models are handled by experts from Havard University and Machine Learning engineers to guide you on the essential and principles governing the Use of AI for medicine.  

Introduction to Human Physiology

This course is offered by Duke University not only for medical students by other health minded persons to have the knowledge of body structures and the entire body functioning system.  

It is a free online course for medical student with carefully syllabus for faster learning, beginning with Homeostasis and endocrine system (introductory part), the Nervous system, the senses and somatic system and lastly Muscles.

It is a 100% guarantee certificate course upon completion that allows learning at your pace with approximately 33hours to complete the course. At the end of the you are expected to gain wealth of knowledge in Metabolic pathways, biology, organ systems, and a broad view of medicine.  

The course is powered by duke University which has over 13,000 undergraduates with state-of-art-facilities for practical illustrations and preview of body structures for good better understanding by students.  

Introduction to Medical software

This is another essential course gives medical students a broad overview of medical software’s.  The course is powered by Yale University alongside expert software developers to guide you through the practical application of the course in real-life situation.  

The courses centers on medical device regulatory structures, cyber security, Data Privacy and other relevant technological supports systems.  It requires little knowledge of programming background and basic medical terminologies to enable understand better.

It is a completely free online course for medical students to gain a profitable skill in software design, software testing, Entrepreneurship, and Medical software’s.  Approximately the course duration is over 38 hours and 100% flexible to study at your pace and earn a certificate.  

The syllabus cover introduction to medical software and digital health, Medical software regulation healthcare environment with emphasis on quality and risk management which are expected to be treated before end of the course.

Training for Healthcare Workers

The outbreak of dreadful diseases worldwide has triggered drastic action by health organizations and clinical research institute to step-up research projects on diseases and vaccines. With it ravaging nature and spread people are needed to recognize, stabilize and as well treat covid-19 patients.  

At the completion of this course, you stand a chance to begin a career and get a well paid job.  The program is powered by Stanford University to educate healthcare workers on how to handle corona virus patients and treatment procedure.  

It is a completely free online course for medical students to earn a certification and boost their Curriculum vitae (CV) to enable them land a job with a recognize health institute.  

The course trains healthcare workers to gain skills in handling emergency cases, respiratory distress, infection prevention, ventilator management, Covid-19 Diagnosis and treatment.

The Basics of trauma Surgery

The course is offered by Technische University Munchen (TUM) for students to learn more on trauma mechanisms and their sequelae, fracture classification, Fracture localization, and Fracture treatment according to gold standard.

 It is an engaging course within a duration of 3 months aiming at studying the basics of patients trauma causes and possible treatment solutions.  The course modules are arranged into step by step videos for students to clearly understand the subject matter.   

In the detail aspect of the course, you will be opened to critical anatomical principles of the scaphoid bone in relation to epidemiological fractures. Followed by the ruptures of the extensor tendon located around the hand and other trauma surgical tips to be taught by experts.

Clinical Epidemiology

Clinical epidemiology is a completely free online for medical students offered by Utrecht University located in Netherland which was established in 1636. The course aims at improving modern medicine with clinical research projects and epidemiological problem-solving solutions.  

The course outline starts with an introductory class in epidemiology and concepts.  Other aspects of the course involve diagnostic and prognostic research in relation to developing a prediction rule. The essence of the course is to discover the root cause of diseases in patient’s population.  

Biomedical Visualization  

The course is offered by the University of Glasgow educate medical personnel’s and students on 3D modeling, Human anatomy, virtual-augmented and mixed realities.  It is completely free course with a certification at the end to improve your CV and stand a higher chance of securing a well paid job.  

The estimated time frame to complete the course is approximately 22 hours. The courser prove an opportunity for students to be familiar with basis medicals terms and concepts for good understanding health reports.  

Medical Neuroscience

This course is offered by Duke University to encourage neurological research projects for new discoveries.  It centers on brain, Neurobiology, Neurological disorders, and neurology as a whole.  Medical Students all over the world need the knowledge of this course which will be of help to them throughout their medical profession.  

The course is taken by professors from the university and a team of neurological specialist which will give you a breakdown of all internal anatomy of humans in relation to electrical excitability and signal propagation.

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Cancer Prevention Web-based activity

Cancer Prevention Web-based activity is a 100% online course offered by the University of Virginia with certification.  It centers on preventive measures and other methods of reducing cancer occurrences.  

At the end of the course participants are expected to understand the essence of preventing rather than treating. They should be able understand risk-reduction strategies related to cancer and healthy lifestyles.

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