Job update and Education

10 Ways Education has Transformed Gboko

10 Ways education has transformed Gboko

10 Ways Education has Transformed Gboko

Education is the key to any successful Nation worldwide; this is because of its ability to nurture and groom positive minded persons capable of developing their environment and economy at large. 

Take a minute to picture the world without education and ask yourself, would be any development?

Gboko is one of the well known Local Government Area in Benue State, north central, Nigeria with numerous council wards and Schools with standard educational infrastructures, state-of-the-facilities for smooth running of academic programs and project research.  

10 Ways education has transformed Gboko

It one of the biggest local government in the state with a good number of accredited primary/secondary schools with a few Tertiary institutes such as  Fidei polytechnic, College of Education,Gboko and other  institute of health.

Education has transformed Gboko into one the most peaceful place to stay in Benue, with calm environment devoid of distractions/ violence for better life experience. Most people relocate from other part of the Benue to reside in Gboko due to the lovingly coexistence among residents.  

It has private and government owned institutes of learning providing both primary and secondary education located at the heart of the town. Most of these schools have trained teachers with certification qualified to groom our children for better academic performance.

Education has bridge the gap of illiteracy in the community due to the increase number of schools in area. Nevertheless, Scholarships are given to the less privilege to enable them see the importance of education that will be help to them in the near future.

Most of the tertiary institutions in the area award only Diploma and NCE Certificates at the end their program. They offer courses such as Welding and fabrication, fine arts and painting, Sociology, Electrical Engineering, computer sciences and lot more.

However, the government has also contributed in building more schools and providing educational needs and learning materials for the children like Textbooks, white-boards, ceiling fans for a better learning environment including vehicles for transportation of students/pupils.

However, it is unfortunate to see children and youths roaming the streets with no one to sponsor their education because of financial challenges.  But today, the end result yield smiles on our faces to see our children become great leaders.

Here are some of the ways Education has transformed Gboko include

Serene Environment

In the past, Residents in the area witness numerous disputes/disagreement over land and other properties resulting to jungle justice.

But the due to flooded nature of educational institutes in the local government people have understood the use of dialogue in settling issues.

Today, it is one of the most peaceful settlements in the whole of Benue. They continue to encourage communal love for another and respect to their leaders for the younger generation to emulate.


The political phase in Gboko has taken a different dimension due to the influence of education, allowing literate and knowledgable citizens to contest for political positions.


The masses believe that, someone with little academic experience will represent them better and contribute positively to bring progress in the community.  

Gboko have produced Noble personalities representing them at all levels within the country, the likes of James Kachina (Chairman Gboko Local Government Council), Hon Maaki Peter Msugh-Aondo (Gboko legislature leader), and John Dyegh amongst others.

Elections are also conducted free and fair devoid of violence which results are announced clearly to hearing of all electorates.

Health and Environmental Sanitation

Living a healthy life is the desire of everyone but certain diseases or illness turn to affect our well being.   Education has transformed Gboko beyond measure establishing Health institutes aim are producing  competent  personnel’s  trained to handle health emergency cases.

Some of these life-threatening diseases are caused as a result of unhealthy environment. With the knowledge of personal hygiene Gboko has become one of the neatest local governments.

By consistent awareness creation and health care programs on personal hygiene, residents have been enlightened on different ways to maintain a germ free environment. Records show drastic reduction in the number of malaria patients in the area.  

Communal interaction

With the intense moral training in the academic environment people turn to respect and interact very well with one another without grudges.  By so doing, there is a sense of belonging and acceptance among youths within the community.

The coming of students for different background to interact with each other in the school environment enable them share ideas and give you an overview of other tribes, cultures and traditions.

The relationship that exist within the environment gives you a picture of a big happily family, determine to work hand-in-hand to achieve success.

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Increased Agricultural Activities

This one other way Education has transformed Gboko into adopting new farming strategies and preservative method. Many residents are peasant farmers operating on a small scale to feed themselves and family.

agric 1

The knowledge of using agricultural machine/equipments and improve seedlings have boosted their economy. Large scale productions of cash crop like Rice are cultivated on hectares with bountiful harvest with the aid of insecticides, Herbicides, and pesticides for better control.  

However, companies in need of these agricultural raw materials are sold at high prices which generate revenue for the people.

Job opportunities

if you over hear someone saying “ if not for my certificate were would i have been today”. This is because of the benefits he/she is enjoying after gaining a certificate. Some are working as teachers, Medical doctors, nurses, accountants, .etc all these jobs are only given to persons with the right qualification.

In our modern society today, jobs are difficult to find unlike in the past jobs wait for students to graduate. Most people earn a living but reciprocating these knowledge to the younger generation as teachers, lecturers, online tutors and instructor with good pay.

Business Operations

Commercial activities have taken a new phase in the community, new business ideas and innovation has increase the rate of buying and selling with different products and raw materials needed by companies for production of finish goods.

Financial operations and banking methods have advance in the area to using Automated Teller Machines and Point of Sale (POS) Terminals which people are educated on how it to use it. The use of Bank card and transfers for payment to avoid misplacement of funds.

Religion, Culture and tradition

The indigenous culture and tradition the people strive to protect has been influence with the coming of western education and advanced technology. Today, town criers no longer go around announcing or delivering messages.

Surprisingly, the people have adopted to new mode of marriage ceremonies and celebrations that portray the European culture.  The educational background of the children has given them a reason to question some superstitious believe in recent times.

You will discover that moonlight stories no longer exist as children prefer watching television, Cinema Film shows, video gaming and lot more. 

Our traditions organize masquerade Dances during festivities and celebrations but with how education has transformed Gboko it is rare to observe these ancient trend in our society today.

Fashion /attire

The popularly saying goes “the way you dress is the way you will be address”. Different tribes and cultures in Benue have varying traditional attire as a symbol of identity such as The Tiv People, Idoma, Igala, Egede and others.

Fashion in the real sense not all about wearing expensive clothes but how they look with unique designs. Education has transformed Gboko beyond doubt with Improved fashion ideas and clothing.

With establishment of world-class Fashion institute people have the opportunity to different fashion techniques and designs.


The call for skills acquisition has become the pride of the country today, which the entire nation has turn to invest and organize more into entrepreneurial training foundation.

Gboko on the other end, has taken a drastic actions on establishing infrastructures and facilities solely for entrepreneurship activities.

The main aim is to engage people to be self-employed after acquiring these skills, to earn and improve their standard of living as well as cater for themselves and family. People have taken advantage of this opportunity with massive turn out to completely embrace entrepreneurship.


Our society today would not had taken a step without education. With the emphasis placed on certificates during job application should give you an idea of how valuable it is.  Not only to acquire the education and certification but to use that knowledge to contribute positively in the life of others.

This article has highlighted some ways how education has transformed Gboko for you to see the essence of spending so many years in schools. It is encourage youths to step-up their various ambitions and continue to struggle so as to achieve their dream careers. 

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