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How to Write a Scholarship Essay

How to Write a Scholarship Essay

How to write a Scholarship Essay

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Are you having issues with writing a scholarship essay? Or thinking of procedures required in writing a befitting essay to stand a chance of getting a scholarship for yourself?  If yes, this article is meant to guide to achieving your goal.  

With the increasing number of school drop-out and inability to pay tuition fees, scholarships are award to deserving students yearly to encourage learning and education among youths.  

Individuals and other high profiled non-governmental organizations provide scholarships to motivate even the less privilege to become educated.

 Most of these scholarships are partially or fully funded with accommodation, tuition fee and other necessary learning materials like text books.  

But one of the paramount problems students encounter during application is how to write a scholarship essay.

This is because of the fear of not writing well, but the tips provided in this article will guide towards achieving an appealing   essay to stand a chance of getting a scholarship.

However, the essay is the most important part of your scholarship application because it shows how well you can write, mechanical accuracy, spellings and your overall English proficiency.  

Before we dive into the main the topic of discussion, lets first understand some key concepts.

What is a Scholarship Essay?

A scholarship essay is a piece of writing targeted at persuading your audience (the University, College, or high school) that you deserve the scholarship opportunity.

It is the major point to convince them that you are eligible for the scholarship, by explain your struggles, financial challenges, your career motive, and why you choose their institution.

In a scholarship essay, it is expected that you state your intention and reasons for a financial aid as well how to make a profitable use of the opportunity if given the scholarship.  

 As simple as it sounds, people turn to loss scholarships due to little mistakes and lack of proper guide. The essay generally is reviewed by the scholarship board of the institution to decide who deserves the opportunity.

The big question is how can you make your scholarship essay stand out among thousands of applicants?

Perfect Step-by-Step Guides on how to Write a Scholarship Essay

Know your target Audience

It is very important to the kind people you are writing to impress. The aim is to capture your audience attention with an interactive tone of expression and how to bring them to connect with you through your writing.  

Failure to do this puts you on the wrong track. It is also advisable to make series of research regarding the institution concerning it achievement and past candidates who have been selected.  

With that you will have an idea of what you are expected to do and stand a chance of producing a standard scholarship essay.

Pick only interested topics and adhere to instructions carefully

How to write a scholarship essay depends on your area of interest which begins with to the topic.  It is easy to write fluently when the topic is about what you admire or fantasize about.  

Adhering to instruction, tells your audience that you pay attention to details, which gives you an edge over other applicants. Unknowingly, a topic you are passionate allows you to express yourself better to a large extent.

Captivating introduction

The introductory aspect of any writing, not just for scholarships essays aims at motivating the reader to go through your write-up.  

It is expected to be very attractive and inviting to capture the attention of the reader. The essence is to make the reader see value and sincerity in your tone of expressions.

While writing, your Ideas should relate with the topic to keep the reader yearning for more. Being precise and straight to the point help to maintain the reader mode when going through your essay.

Show Emotion

In connecting with your reader, your are expected to make him understand where you are coming from. By expressing your weaknesses and reasons behind your decision to the University and why you should be given a scholarship.

Emotions have a way of explaining to someone by imagination, especially in terms of bad events. This helps to change the mode of the reader by presenting your story in a pitiable situation.  

Share Real life Instances

What makes a scholarship essay more interesting is by sharing real life situations. Engage the reader by presenting the scenes of experience pictorially through writing, in a way that keeps your audience in suspense.    

Making the reader wonder what next and as well motivates the person to continue reading.  Above all making your story unique and realistic gives an edge over other applicants.


The conclusion of a scholarship is expected to leave the reader with much desire. Writing is one thing while engaging your reader is another thing.  Make your conclusion catching by leaving rhetorical questions or asking questions without answers.

It is suppose to be the summary of the entire essay, so make it brief with interesting choice of words.  

Proofread the essay

It is necessary to go over the entire essay at least twice check for mistakes or grammatical errors. You can also give a friend or family member to proofread the essay and give you feedback. Editors can also assist to detect errors and tone of expression.

Use of Resource materials

Most people wonder how to write a scholarship from scratch, gather materials from the library and research online to for more.  Make use award winning scholarships essays from prominent writers and follow their steps to achieve your goal.      

What is a Scholarship Essay Template?

A scholarship essay template refers to a pre-built essay written as an exemplary guide towards producing a new write up using the same format. There are numerous essay templates from public and online libraries for you to choose from.

Carefully go through them and come up with new ideas to avoid plagiarism. The step by step guide in this article provided above will help you throughout your writing process.

Why Should I Use Scholarship Essay Templates?

  • It helps your write fast: looking at an already written article gives you an idea of what to do which enable come-up with an essay within no time.
  • Enable you plan your writing: Before you begin to write not just for a scholarship essay, you need to plan your writing using the guide from the template.
  • Prevent Out of point: writing about a topic you are interested about give you endless ideas but with the use of a scholarship template, it guides not to go out of point. This helps to provide a rich content with the emphasis revolving around the topic.  

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Some Mistakes that affect your Scholarship Essay

Time Management

Before applying for a scholarship, take note of the deadline to enable you prepare and come-up with great ideas after series of research. Writing under pressure produce low quality essays due to lack of time.

Mechanical accuracy

Some little errors during your writing may change the entire message you want to pass across. Take note of commas, periods, others such as exclamation marks to enable your audience read through the essay smoothly.  

Other factor to leave out the Scholarship Essay

Inspirational quotes

Everyone loves to read inspiring write-up because of the encouragement and uplifting words. They very interesting to read with attention to grab the entire meaning but it is often advice to scrap them out when writing a scholarship essay.  

The reason is simple, the essay is expected to be about you but including inspirational quote may only distract your audience (scholarship board).


It is good to write your entire autobiography in the scholarship essay. But it is impossible to maintain the word limit which such word count, for example a letter of 500 words. The scholarship board wants to know how well you can adhere to instructions, so it is better to focus on your attention on challenges, personal encounter, and ambitions throughout the essay.

Speaking ill of other applicants

Your chances of winning the scholarship is no longer guaranteed the moment you speak of ill or look down on other applicant.

Giving your audience a reason to award you a scholarship should not be an opportunity to look down on others as less deserving applicants or candidates which may count against you.  

Extreme declarations

Most people often declare statements without weighing both the positive and negative side of the situation. Making strong declaration like your life depends on the scholarship will turn off the mode the reader. For example, “if am not given this scholarship my whole education and career has ended”.  

The board committee for scholarship looks at you as someone without courage or not brave enough to handle situations.

Featuring emoji’s, Photos, and funny fonts.

Making essay look like an artistic illustrations is not allowed unless you a instructed to do so. When it comes to writing is advisable to be plain and keep a neat document with good spacing, nice font size and style.

Keep the standard of font size 12, 1.5 line spacing,  Times new Roman or Tahoma depending on the instruction given.

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