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Educational Breakthrough in Masev

Educational Breakthrough in Masev

Educational Breakthrough in Masev

Masev is one most recognized community nationwide with passion for educations and set goals to achieve success and development to the Benue valley.

Educational breakthrough in Masev has transformed the community into one of the most peaceful environment wealthy to kick-start your learning with good educational infrastructures and top-notch facilities for smooth academic activity. 

The community has transformed beyond doubt as a result of the establishment of educational institute to provide primary, secondary and tertiary education for both residents and internationals students.

The desire of every child is to be educated but certain challenges turn to disrupt their dream careers. Most children in the community often proclaim courses they wish to study but due to lack of parental guidance, finance and in most case bad moral upbringing limit their chances to study.  

With educational breakthrough in the community, Masev have produced great sons and daughters wealthy of representing them politically and otherwise, both at local and international levels.  

The likes Arch. Asema Achado (an indigenous sons of the community),  Justice Aondover Kaka’an, Arch. Ayilla Juku amongst others with good reputations across Benue and beyond. Educational breakthrough in Masev has earn respect and global attraction for the overall interest of the community.  

Many private and public schools have been established in the area with a few diploma awarding institute like college of Education and College of Health Technology located at the headquarter of Gwer East, Aliade.

However, the coming of western education into the community pave way for numerous innovations and business establishment which has enhanced better commercial activity and market strategy.

With the establishment of hospitals and Health Colleges in the area, Masev pride itself as one of the best in handling medical issues with competent doctors and other health personnels.

Job opportunity

Many people in the community are alive today with the help their certificate, which has earn them employment in Companies, firms, schools and other educational institute.  Educational breakthrough in Masev has done great in uplifting the standard of livelihood.

As an educated individual, you stand a chance of securing a well paid job most especially with additional skills. The establishment of companies in the community has created more jobs for residents to apply depending on their certification, either with diploma, secondary or degree certificate.

The happiness of everyone comes when he or she is able to settle bills without having sleepless nights. Education will has given more than that to Masev youths to experience life in a better way.  

Increased Commercial Activities

Commercial activities in Masev have skyrocketed with increased demand of goods and services. The expansion of the market has called attentions for more innovative businesses forums in the community.  The act of street hawking has been eliminated for people to rent shops to enhances coordinate and transparent exchange in the market.

The main market is located in Aliade with other sub divisions in Ikpayongo, Igbor, and Taraku. These sub-divisions operate based on market day plan in order consistent encourage flow of income.

However, educated persons operating in this markets record huge success due to good educational background to enable them run their businesses. Course such as business management, banking and finance, and accounting groom you to become a full business personality.  

Political Awareness

Educational Breakthrough in Masev has amounted to tense political activities with aspirant from the community contesting for top political positions in the state. With good educational background youths stand a chance to contest under any political party to vote and be voted for.

The community sees educated individuals as having the right potentials to contribute better to the progress and development if voted into power.  Promising sons and daughter of Masev have represented the interest of the community both at local and international levels.

Consistent Political activities in the area have drawn global attentions, putting Masev in front of politics in Benue state. Elections are conducted peacefully with problems or any sort rigging to elect their leaders.

More so, with good reputations as an indigene of masev you have the opportunity to succeed in your political career due to good name the people have earned over the years.  

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Serene Environment

The happiness of moment in ones live is when he or she has peace of mind. Masev remain of the peaceful settlement despite dispute over land and struggle for power by neighboring communities.

Many people come from far and near to settle in Gwer as result of the calm environment and social interaction among residents. Visitors are accepted, so far as their purpose of coming is peaceful. By so doing, many businesses in the community are owned and managed by non-indigenes.  

This kind of serene environment enable students learn and understand without fear or distraction of any kind.

Transformed Agricultural Practices

Farming is one of major activities in Masev and principal source of income for most people. Cultivation of crops is usually done on small scale due to lack of labour. With the breakthrough of education in masev, farming practices have transformed to large scale cultivations with farming machineries.  

Creation of awareness on crop yield with improved seedlings enable farmers to harvest in large quantities. The government turns to support local farmers with fertilizers, pesticides, herbicide, and insecticide to enable them control weed and other deteriorating factors affecting crop yield.

Other farming strategies such as shifting cultivations have been introduced to allow the soil regain its fertility. As a result of the bountiful harvest, many companies in need these raw materials turn to patronize the community.  

Improved Entrepreneurship Activities

Entrepreneurship activities in the area have taken a different phase due to lack of job opportunities. The skills acquisitions programs are organize under youth empowerment forum enable residents earn profitable skills to become self-employed.

Most of these Empowerment schemes give out loan to individuals to start-up businesses not minding your educational status to enable them establish a steady source of income to earn a living.

Some of the skills include tailoring/fashion design, shoe making, and Baking.  Participants comprises of mostly woman and children interested in learning a new skill.  

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